A garden office/playroom/gym is a standalone structure installed in your garden to provide extra space for work, leisure, or fitness activities.

In most cases, garden offices/playrooms/gyms fall under permitted development rights, but there are exceptions. It’s recommended to check with your local planning authority or consult with our team to ensure compliance with regulations. If planning is required, let one of our team apply and manage the application for you.

We offer a range of sizes to suit various needs, from compact units suitable for individual use to larger structures suitable for multiple occupants or equipment. Additionally, why not create your own individual space, if you can imagine it, we will build it. Create your own bespoke Garden Room.

Installation times can vary depending on the size and complexity of the structure. Typically, installation can be completed within a couple of weeks.

Our structures can be fitted with electrical wiring to accommodate lighting, heating, and power outlets. We can advise you on the electrical requirements and arrange for professional installation.

In nearly all cases, while designing your unique Garden Rooms, we connect electric. However, are you aware we can usually bring water in too ?  Many of the units we have created have incorporated a kitchen area and often a small lavatory.

Yes, we offer customization options to tailor the design to your preferences and requirements. This includes choices for materials, colours, layout, and additional features.

Yes, our structures are designed with insulation to ensure comfort and energy efficiency throughout the year, allowing you to use them even in the colder months.

Our garden offices/playrooms/gyms are built with durable materials that require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning and occasional inspections are recommended to ensure longevity.

Yes, we offer financing options to make your purchase more affordable. Our team can provide details and assist you in choosing the best financing plan for your budget.

We offer a warranty on our products to cover manufacturing defects and structural issues. Details of the warranty coverage will be provided with your purchase.

Yes, we offer delivery and installation services. Our experienced team will ensure a smooth and hassle-free installation process.

Yes, we provide consultation services to discuss your requirements and offer advice on the best solution for your space. We can also arrange site visits to assess your garden and provide personalized recommendations.